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Quantum biofeedback


Ancient Healing Meets Quantum Biofeedback Technology

 Quantum Butterfly Effect  Health Center


was founded in January 2007.
We offer Quantum

Biofeedback SCIO Sessions - The Ultimate Pain & Stress Reduction Systems.
Since then, it has changed the lives of many individuals.

All our Service Personnel have following Certifications (Certified by NTCB and The
Quantum Academies):

- Quantum Biofeedback Specialist

- Certified Pain Management Specialist

- Certified Stress Management Specialist

 We carry the best and  latest natural


supplements, herbs, vitamins and Homeopathy (Heel, Pascoe, Boiron). They complement our Quantum Biofeedback Training

The fractal cells, tissues and organs in the body are far too complex to be cured or balanced with a drug pill.
Allopathic medicine treats the symptom of the underlying cause and attempts to trick the body's natural mechanism to alert you.
At Quantum Butterfly Effect, we peel back the layers of the underlying causes of potential disease and allow the body's natural ability to heal itself through effective stress reduction.

Bionic man